WPBakery Page Builder Features
WPBakery Page Builder page builder has rich set of features and tools available to you out of the box. There is all you have ever looked for to take your WordPress site to the next level.
Features, Options and Tools Available Out of the Box

Design Options and Styling
Control how elements look with new Design Options. Set borders, margins, paddings and background with few simple clicks. Use color panel and alpha to enhance your design. Create up to date design solutions easily.

Responsive Design and Mobile Friendly
Your content will look good on both desktop and mobile sites. Take full control over responsive design – define column size, offsets and display options. Instantly check out how your content is displayed.

Template System
Copy or reuse existing pages. Save templates for later use. Build posts by using 40+ pro looking pre-defined layouts from WPBakery team.

Map 3rd Party Shortcodes
No more shortcode copy/paste. Add any third party shortcode to the list of VC menu elements for reuse. Edit params, values and description.

Page, Post and Custom Post Type Support
Works with any post type… Yes, custom post types works too.

Use with Any WordPress Theme
WPBakery Page Builder works with any properly coded WordPress theme meaning that if your theme is developed according to WordPress codex (and it should be) then there are no problems to use WPBakery Page Builder there.

Easily Extendable
Third party developers please join the party! Create your own plugins for WPBakery Page Builder for your themes or for sale on CodeCanyon.

Manage CSS Easily
If you ever need additional styling you can use different methods for applying custom CSS to any WPBakery Page Builder content element with ease.

Object Oriented Code
WPBakery Page Builder is using best programming patterns to get best results for your site.

User Roles Access Controls
Administrators can control what elements are available for certain user groups.

Multisite Support
WPBakery Page Builder works perfectly with WordPress multisite.

WordPress Skin Builder
With inbuilt Skin Builder you can easily overwrite visual settings of your WordPress theme if you wish. Of course you can also reset those settings at any time.

mqTranslate and WPML Compatible
WPBakery Page Builder is compatible with mqTranslate and WPML. Build multilanguage websites with WPBakery Page Builder.

Grid and Carousel Elements
WPBakery Page Builder has 40+ predefined grid templates for displaying posts, page, custom post types and media in grid or masonry grid. Don’t like predefined templates? Create your own grid element by using Grid Builder.

Woo Commerce Compatibile
Running an Woo Commerce powered e-shop? No problem – WPBakery Page Builder is fully compatible with Woo Commerce. Plus now – all of the Woo Commerce shortcodes are available in WPBakery Page Builder Element Menu once you have both plugins installed.

Predefined Layout Templates
Don’t like designing layouts? No problem, because WPBakery Page Builder has 40+ predefined layout templates to offer you out of the box. Create pro looking layouts with just 1 click!

Parallax Background Sections
Parallax background allows adding parallax to your row to create more beautiful layout. It can be combined with Design Options of row as well and use transparent images.

Video Background
Video background allows setting YouTube video in a row background to create a stunning effect. Moreover it is possible to combine video background with parallax effect.

Image Filters
Image Filter option available in Media Library allows applying filters to images and use them in any WPBakery Page Builder element which allows image adding from Media Library. 20+ well crafted filters allows easily insert beautiful images.

Element Presets
You can save element parameter settings to create a new element. Create element templates for even better site building experience with WPBakery Page Builder. Access your elements via Add Element window.

Template Library
Download free premium class templates from WPBakery Page Builder Template Library. A repository of multi-purpose templates available for free to direct license owners. Now you can build you page in seconds.
Want Some More?
Why don’t you test it yourself? You are only one click away from your personal demo which allow you to access of the elements and see how easy it is to work with WPBakery Page Builder Page Builder for WordPress.